Monday, March 28, 2011

Love Wins // My Thoughts

Here are a few of my thoughts on Rob Bells new book: Love Wins. I finished the book over the weekend. I'd first like to point out that I really have no place diving into the theological aspects of the book - I want to re-read the book and do my homework. I also think the book is about more than that.
Also, Regardless of the topic, we should never judge a book by it’s cover, or by any preconceived notions. It grieves me that so many people are not only calling this man a heretic, but making these accusations without reading the book or really hearing what Rob Bell has to say.
Simply, I give the book five stars. I really enjoyed it.

I think he accomplishes his main goal in writing this book - he wants people to ask questions.
I like Bells writing. Its simply beautiful. He keeps things simple and straight forward.
I think it's an important read.

Do I think he is a universalist? No.
Do I think he loves Jesus & yearns for others to do the same? Yes.
Do I think he wants others to understand the relentless love that Jesus has for them? Yes.
Do I think he outrightly speaks against the existence of hell? No.*
Do I think he makes some great points in the book? Yes.
Did the book have me asking questions? Yes.

*“Do I believe in a literal hell?” he asks. “Of course.” (p.72)

That's it. The rest is for you to read and come to a conclusion on your own. From reading the book yourself - not from reading reviews or listening to the hype.

1 comment:

  1. We need a new post! ;)

    Alesha (Erika's sister) at
