Okay, this is a little terrifying to proclaim via the INTERNET where everyone can see and call me out on screwing this thing up. But fear is a great motivator, right? Okay, here goes.
I, Trish Palac, WILL be running the Hoover Hustle on April 17th. It's a 5k/10k race here in Westerville, OH and it's something I promised myself back in December that I would do. I did a great job of keeping up with my training schedule for quite some time but then I let myself slack off for a week so before I had some health complications (totally unrelated) and stopped all together. But I still have time to whip myself into shape and run my little backside (ha!) over that finish line. I'm really not and never have been a runner, but it's also the only form of physical activity that I enjoy. Once I get back into the swing of things, that is. The first week is always the hardest, but I know I can power through it. My long term goal is to do a half marathon by the end of the year. I don't know how realistic that goal is yet - but I would like to do one eventually.
So now that everyone who wants to know is aware of my one and only resolution this year - keep me accountable! Knowing I have to answer to anyone about it is a big motivator when choosing between the gym or a chick flick paired with Ben & Jerry's.
Good luck! I used to live in Lewis Center, OH...you probably don't care, but we were like, neighbors!